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About the Bank
Our Vision
To be the premier financial partner in our communities, enabling our customers, shareholders and employees to realize their dreams.

MidCarolina Bank is a state-chartered, full service commercial bank operating under rules and regulations of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the North Carolina State Banking Commission.
Through offices located in Burlington and Graham in Alamance County, and Greensboro in Guilford County, the Bank offers a full range of banking and financial services to individuals and small to medium-sized businesses.

A variety of credit and deposit services are available to its customers, including commercial and residential mortgage loans, construction financing, credit and debit cards, and equity lines of credit.
As a locally owned and operated community bank, MidCarolina Bank is devoted to providing its customers and communities excellent service and support. The Bank provides its customers with the convenience of banking "24 hours a day" through MidCarolina Bank Online Internet Banking and automated teller machines (ATM's) and the Star™ and Plus™ networks.
The Board of Directors for MidCarolina Bank is made up of well known Alamance County leaders whose experience and professional expertise is exceptional. The Bank also has an Advisory Board that supports our office located at 842 South Main Street in Graham.

The 2007 MidCarolina Financial Corporation Board of Directors

James R. Copland, III
Chairman, Copland Fabrics/Copland Industries, Inc. (textile manufacturer) since 1962.
Dexter R. Barbee Sr. Chairman, CPC Chemical Holdings, December 2005 to present; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Apollo Chemical Corp. 1968 to December 2005
H. Thomas Bobo Chairman, Fairystone Fabrics, Inc. (textile manufacturer). Since 2000.
Thomas E. Chandler Chairman, Chandler Concrete Co, Inc. Since 1974.
J. Anthony Holt President (since 1999) and Chief Financial Officer (since 2001), Dynayarn USA, LLC (manufacturer of covered yarn products).
F.D. Hornaday III Chief Executive Officer, Knitwear Fabrics, Inc., since 1986.
Teena Marie Koury Co-Owner, Carolina Hosiery Mills, Inc., since 1985,
John H. Love President, W.E. Love & Associates, Inc. (insurance brokerage) since 1982.
James B. Powell Manager, Allemanni, LLC (personal investments), since 2000.
John K. Roberts Chief Executive Officer, Eagle Affiliates, Inc. (management, development and consulting), since 1998.
James H. Smith, Jr. President, Villane, Inc. (real estate development) 1980 to present; President, Southwick Golf Course 1988 to present;
Chairman of Trust Company of the South (investment management) since 1992;
Partner, GEM & Co. (textile imports) since 1986.
Robert A. Ward Retired, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Unifi, Inc. from 1971 to August 2005.
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